Frederick P. Isaac

Copyright (c)  Frederick P. Isaac. All Rights Reserved.



Articles and book information on Assyrian issues including contemporary history, experiences under Islamic rule, leadership and Assyrian aspirations to nationhood.

Indigenous Peoples

Under the Rule of Islam


by Frederick P. Isaac


Double Standards 

Table of Contents


Dishonest Deals and Betrayal



Compassion and Justice


Israel was in the same predicament as is Assyria now. Nevertheless, the UN with its firm action freed Israel from its adversaries. In recent years, the collapse of the Soviet Union created circumstances favourable to the three states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to free themselves from the clutches of Russia and regain complete independence. Israel in 1948 was successful in liberating itself. It achieved independence by proclaiming the Establishment of the State of Israel in part of its biblical land. Such achievements came about because of the combined efforts of the subject nations, the international community and the UN. Assyria needs to be granted an independent voice as a stateless nation, its people the status of refugees, and its case to be promoted and supported at international level.

There are some similarities between the situation of Assyria and that of Bosnia-Herzegovina in regards to its geopolitics. Earlier, in 1907 Bosnia-Herzegovina was ceded to Austria-Hungary by the enfeebled Ottoman Empire for a mere two million Pounds Sterling (£2,000,000).

In Post World War I, the Province of (Vilayet) Mosul eventually fell under the sphere of British political influence. In March 1925, Britain annexed Vilayet Mosul to the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq, over four years after establishment of Iraq in early 1921, and over six years after the Armistice of November 11, 1918. Western Allies gave away Vilayet Mosul, - the hub of the Assyrian homeland - to the Arabs and Islamic countries, with total disregard to the traditional rights of the dispossessed Assyrian people.

After the collapse of communism and disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, and break-up of its satellites, the international community, through the UN, helped certain Balkan states regain their freedom, such as Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.

Several European countries, like Germany, Austria, England and Australia played the role of host. They accepted hundreds of thousands of Bosnian Muslims as refugees, cared for them and hospitalised their sick and wounded children.

After a few years, the majority was returned to Bosnia for rehabilitation. The West, led by the international community played the role of the Good Samaritan and acted the role of King Solomon. Yet, this very same international community turned its back on the Assyrians when they called for help in Post World War I. The League of Nations forsook its human attributes. It failed to implement the program it had initially sponsored for the return and rehabilitation of the Assyrians in their traditional homeland of the Mosul Province, for lack of either will or the financial means.

The West, in reality, did not behave like the wise king and just judge, but like wolves among sheep. After plundering Assyria, they neglected its people, and scattered them to the four corners of the earth. The West dismembered the Assyrian nation and sold its people to its traditional enemy, shattering their hopes and aspirations. The international community denied them the right to live in the safety of their homes under protection of the League of Nations and to reshape their destiny and lead a normal life as any other small nation.

Bosnian Muslims like to be referred to as Muslims by the media. While the Muslims refer to the native Christians of Bosnia as Croats, Serbs or Gypsies to give the world the false impression that Bosnia had once been predominantly Muslim. Bosnia was a Christian kingdom, never a Muslim state. The Ottoman Turks ruled it for over five centuries until the early 20th century. Muslims in the occupied territory of Assyria behave in the same manner, claiming the whole region Islamic. Muslims refer to the Assyrians as Nestorians or Christian Kords. The media deliberately, either out of ignorance or out of indifference, keep the Assyrian identity suppressed.

The Arabs in the Middle East seem to follow this same pattern of behaviour. Assyrian and Christian cultures are suppressed in a concerted effort to diminish and completely remove their image as they do in other Islamised countries such as in Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria and Kosovo-Serbia.

In Afghanistan, its radical Islamic government blew up the two giant Buddha statues and destroyed other non-Islamic artefacts in a bid to rid itself of all trace of Buddhism. In Egypt, the Islamic government distorts the census of the Christian Coptic population to give the world the false impression that the census of the Christian Copts of Egypt is steadily on the decline. The Islamic authorities continue to reduce the census figure of the Christian Copts of Egypt to understate the Christian population as insignificant. The Coptic census of Egypt is estimated at about thirteen to fifteen million (13 to 15m).

In Algeria, the Christian Berbers are not recognized as natives of the land, neither does the Algerian government recognize their native language as extant. Similarly, the Christian Berber natives are officially classified as Arabs, disregarding the Berber language and the right to their heritage. Instead of reviving the Berber language, Islam annuls it. Yet, the ethnic Albanians in Macedonia demand that their Albanian language be officially recognised as the second official language of Macedonia.

In Lebanon, Christian shrines along the highways and near villages seem to be systematically disappearing and Christian customs and activities pressured to withdraw to their own locales. In Indonesia, the destruction of crucifixes and torching of churches has become an Islamic ritual. In Iraq, the central government simply denies the existence of Assyrians nonchalantly and refuses to recognize them as natives of northern (Mesopotamia) Iraq. It considers those presently residing in the country as alien drifters from Iran and Turkey.

Members of Iraqi political parties, in exile, forming an Iraqi National Congress (INC) in opposition to the current Iraqi regime, behave in like manner. They distance themselves from members of Assyrian political parties. They disallow them to join the said organisation, in exile, in opposition to Saddam’s regime. Members of the (INC), under the leadership of Mr. Ahmad Chalabi shun the Assyrians as undesirable foreign elements. Western governments in support of such Iraqi opposition parties, in exile, may wish to bring to notice and correct such undemocratic practices.




Double Standards 

Table of Contents


Dishonest Deals and Betrayal